SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_site` [ RunTime:0.000678s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_site` WHERE `lang` = 'en' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000330s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_columns` [ RunTime:0.000592s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_columns` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'en' ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000389s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_news` [ RunTime:0.000550s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_news` WHERE `lang` = 'en' AND `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000330s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_news_category` [ RunTime:0.000533s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_news_category` WHERE `lang` = 'en' ORDER BY `id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000368s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_single_page` [ RunTime:0.000592s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (0,47) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'en' [ RunTime:0.000407s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (3,0,26,28,29,30,31,34,36,37,38,41,42,43,44,46,50) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'en' [ RunTime:0.000488s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (18,0,27,1,2,45) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'en' [ RunTime:0.000444s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_link` [ RunTime:0.000508s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_link` WHERE `state` = 1 ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_products` [ RunTime:0.000942s ]
SELECT category_id,count(id) total FROM `moban_products` WHERE `state` = 1 GROUP BY `category_id` [ RunTime:0.000301s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `moban_category` [ RunTime:0.000511s ]
SELECT * FROM `moban_category` ORDER BY `id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000246s ]
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":174,\"parent_id\":12,\"name\":\"Resonators\",\"path\":\"0;12;174;\",\"product_count\":1894,\"slug_name\":\"resonators\",\"description\":\"Products in the resonator family are frequency selective elements used to generate a frequency source when used with an external drive circuit, similar to the manner in which quartz crystal devices are used but incorporating different technologies such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) or piezoceramic materials. (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.101391 secs]
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":12,\"parent_id\":0,\"name\":\"Crystals, Oscillators, Resonators\",\"path\":\"0;12;\",\"product_count\":755151,\"slug_name\":\"crystals-oscillators-resonators\",\"description\":\"Crystal, oscillator, and resonator products are devices used as sources or references for frequency generation and time measurement. Based in most cases on the physical vibration of some mechanical structure that vibrates at a known frequency, they are further classifie (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.08627 secs]
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":174,\"parent_id\":12,\"name\":\"Resonators\",\"path\":\"0;12;174;\",\"product_count\":1894,\"slug_name\":\"resonators\",\"description\":\"Products in the resonator family are frequency selective elements used to generate a frequency source when used with an external drive circuit, similar to the manner in which quartz crystal devices are used but incorporating different technologies such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) or piezoceramic materials. (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.093823 secs]
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":174,\"parent_id\":12,\"name\":\"Resonators\",\"path\":\"0;12;174;\",\"product_count\":1894,\"slug_name\":\"resonators\",\"description\":\"Products in the resonator family are frequency selective elements used to generate a frequency source when used with an external drive circuit, similar to the manner in which quartz crystal devices are used but incorporating different technologies such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) or piezoceramic materials. (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.104344 secs]